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This is a super dee duper test

So you have another new post, now what?

You've just spend hours and maybe days creating a new post and just hit the publish button.

Do you have a plan on how to help promote the post?

If you don't have some sort of check-list in place for your newly minted creation you could be missing out on its potential.

Unless your blog has a massive following and will virtually share your post in every conceivable way you better get out there and knock on some metaphorical doors.

Create A Post Publish Check-list

Here are 7 solid ideas on things to do to increase your chances of success with a new post.

If you've followed most of these tips I'd safely say you've given your fledgling post a fighting chance.

These are just some of the things I try to follow myself after every post. What are some of your post-publish rituals?

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